Folding System
Legendary Ability, Unbeatable Reliability
Folding and unfolding a Corsair trimaran takes only a minute. With just 4 bolts to remove, it is easily managed by one person, and is normally done while afloat. Simply raise (to fold) or press down (to unfold) the inboard end of one cross beam – meaning it can be done from the safety of the cockpit. Only a little force is needed due to the folding system’s carefully balanced geometry and the floats movement being mostly horizontal.
Folding System
Legendary Ability, Unbeatable Reliability
Folding and unfolding a Corsair trimaran takes only a minute. With just 4 bolts to remove, it is easily managed by one person, and is normally done while afloat. Simply raise (to fold) or press down (to unfold) the inboard end of one cross beam – meaning it can be done from the safety of the cockpit. Only a little force is needed due to the folding system’s carefully balanced geometry and the floats movement being mostly horizontal.
Folding System
Legendary Ability, Unbeatable Reliability
The solid aluminium folding struts have absolute control over the folding motion and prevent flexing or racking. A stainless steel bolt on the inboard end of each beam secures the floats for sailing. Crucially, wingnets remain attached during the folding process – their frictionless fixing allows them to tension themselves appropriately through the folding process. The system is so simple, the trimaran can even be folded while motoring.

Step 1: Remove Beam Bolts
Remove all four beam bolts, using a spanner or the provided speed wrench. As these are installed firm but not overly tight, this is a simple task requiring minimal physical effort.

Step 2: Loosen Shroud Tension
If required, ease out some length on the cap shrouds. This is made easy by the use of dyneema shrouds and synthetic lashing. Note: smaller trimaran models such as the Corsair 760 do not require this step as tension is maintained in both folded and unfolded positions.

Step 3: Fold
By pulling up on the inboard beam straps the beam will begin to lift as the boat floats gradually make their way inboard. As the floats are supported, there is very little weight on the beam allowing this process to be easily performed by one person.

If you’d like more details on how to fold a specific Corsair trimaran model, detailed instructions can be found in the Corsair Trimaran Sailing Manual

Corsair trimarans fold on water, off water and with effortless ease. Most models fold within the width of similar-lengthed monohulls! This allows a level of versatility unachievable in a conventional trimaran due to the huge beam required for high performance sailing.
60 Seconds or Less
Single-handed folding takes only one to two minutes, and less than 60 seconds with a couple. It can be done by manually moving an inner beam end. Little force is required as the float’s movement is mostly horizontal. The wingnets fold or tension themselves automatically, and there is no need to undo or re-lace these. Folding a Corsair trimaran can be done in smooth water, rough water, or even while motoring. There are no restrictions of any kind.
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